Welcome to the Tokio Hotel Fan Fiction Archive!
Tokio Hotel Fiction is a registered members only site. To read or post fiction, register for a free account, and then use the "account info" link in the menu above to submit fan fiction. We are so glad you've decided to check the site out, enjoy your stay! Please contact us if you have any questions.
Site Info
Authors: 2719
Members: 54865
Stories: 11659
Reviews: 705571

A special welcome to our newest member, Slayslayslay93.

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The Good Bad Guy by undashable NC17
Bill was the golden child, everyone saw him as perfect. Always striving...
Around the world!
SSL Update
Hi guys, we have recently installed a security certificate on the site, so as long as you are using the correct URL to access THF then you should no longer see the 'not secure' tag in the URL bar. Instead you should see a little padlock icon.

Formerly you would have used http://fiction.tokiohotelfiction.com to access the fiction.tokiohotelfiction domain, we are requesting that you update your bookmarks to https://fiction.tokiohotelfiction.com

Please note that on some browsers a plain http link or image link will cause the browser to read the page as not secure, while other browsers automatically correct it to https, so you may still see the 'not secure' tag on certain stories or profiles where a user has linked to an external site or image.

If you have any questions feel free to leave them here.

Happy reading and writing!

- Haylz on 08/01/20 05:16 am
News Archive

Featured Fics
Hello, after some discussion with the staff we have decided we are not going to feature stories anymore. The process of featuring fic has always been to select stories we felt deserved recognition, but I know there are people who felt the process was not fair.

To be honest, I just want this site to serve its very basic purpose - for people to be able to post and read fanfic. I feel that anything that causes any drama or stress to anyone is not worth continuing with, especially now that the fanfic fandom has gotten a lot smaller. With less stories posted, the amazing and dedicated writers still contributing to the site have the benefit of their stories being visible for a lot longer than used to be possible.

I was also considering removing the link to the featured fics along with the Top Lists to try and balance everything out, but I know people like to use those pages to browse. I'm happy to take suggestions if people disagree with keeping those pages up.

The removal of the featuring stories doesn't mean we aren't interested in promoting anyone, please continue to tag us in your tweets about what you're writing or if you find a great story, we are more than happy to retweet these, and I may look at embedding our twitter feed into the site.

I'm sorry if anyone is disappointed by this, I just don't think it's fair to continue as things were.

I hope you agree that we are all here to read some awesome stories and share our own with other TH enthusiasts.

- Haylz on 05/16/20 03:24 am
News Archive